We got this amazing message from a customer and they were kind enough to let us share - thank you so much Kate and Kyle for sharing your story and pictures of sweet Josie! We're so glad you are all okay and that our leash provided safety and peace of mind - there's nothing that makes us happier!
"We bought Josie one of your leashes 2 years ago when we adopted her and we’ve used it every day since. It’s the best leash I’ve ever used and we constantly get questions about it when we’re out with her. I love to wear it crossbody so I can be hands-free (and for the extra security) and I use the traffic handle for additional control when needed in our busy neighborhood.
I’ve been meaning to email y’all for a while now actually because my husband and I both think the design and durability of your leash might have saved Josie’s life. I know that sounds dramatic, but I’ll explain. My husband and I love to head out to the mountains to hike with Josie. We were entering a trail one day and saw a man and a large, shepherd mix type dog coming down the trail to leave. The minute his dog saw our small beagle he lunged forward causing his owner to drop the leash. The dog did not hesitate and went straight for Josie. I was the one walking Josie and was wearing the leash crossbody as I typically do, so I was able to be completely hands free to try to intervene. The dog knocked me down as my husband and I both tried to get him off her, yet I knew Josie was still securely attached to me. Thankfully we were able to separate them so that the owner of the other dog could grab his leash and she managed to escape with only a few puncture wounds.
I’ve been meaning to email y’all for a while now actually because my husband and I both think the design and durability of your leash might have saved Josie’s life. I know that sounds dramatic, but I’ll explain. My husband and I love to head out to the mountains to hike with Josie. We were entering a trail one day and saw a man and a large, shepherd mix type dog coming down the trail to leave. The minute his dog saw our small beagle he lunged forward causing his owner to drop the leash. The dog did not hesitate and went straight for Josie. I was the one walking Josie and was wearing the leash crossbody as I typically do, so I was able to be completely hands free to try to intervene. The dog knocked me down as my husband and I both tried to get him off her, yet I knew Josie was still securely attached to me. Thankfully we were able to separate them so that the owner of the other dog could grab his leash and she managed to escape with only a few puncture wounds.

While all of this was terrifying and it broke our hearts to see our girl in pain, Kyle and I know how much worse this could have been had it not been for her BioThane Long Line (and a very sturdy hiking harness as well). Having full use of both of my hands was so important during that situation as Josie is a rescue Beagle so she’s a bit skittish and is not trained off leash, so had I dropped a normal leash to defend her or when I fell during the scuffle, she most likely would have taken off into the woods out of fear. I don’t want to think about how hard it would have been to find her in a place she doesn’t know and after the trauma of a dog attack.

All this to say, our family couldn’t be more grateful for the wonderful products you make. Even before this incident, we were obsessed with her leash, but after really putting it to the test, I know it played a major role in keeping Josie safe. They’re so well made that I doubt we’ll ever need a new one, but please keep making your leashes & collars so that we can keep sending our friends your way!
Thank you for all you do!
Your lifelong customers,
Kate, Kyle & Josie"
For more information about how to use a hands-free leash check out All About our BioThane Hands Free + Convertible Leashes!
And to grab yourself a Hands-Free Convertible Leash check out the options in our shop!